(SNMI Constitution - Section 7: Indian College Of Nuclear Medicine)
  1. Objectives & Rules
    1. Name: The name of the College shall be “INDIAN COLLEGE OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE”
    2. Objectives: The Indian college of Nuclear Medicine (ICNM) shall act as an ‘academic wing’ of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM), India. ICNM will focus its academic activities for promotion, standardization of clinical practice & protocols, and advancement in of Nuclear Medicine and allied subjects including Medical Physics, Medical Imaging, Radiobiology, Radio pharmacy, Radioimmunoassay, Medical Electronic and Instrumentation and biomedical research using radiotracers. The college shall initiate necessary steps to introduce Nuclear Medicine as a part of the curriculum for UG and PG students in India.
    3. ICNM shall deal with academics, teaching, training & curriculum of Nuclear Medicine as clinical broad speciality in India. ICNM shall formulate syllabus for undergraduate and post-graduate training and make suitable recommendation/s to the National Broad of Examination, Medical Council of India and Universities.
    4. ICNM shall organize seminar, symposia, workshop in different part of the country in Nuclear Medicine & Allied fields for continuous professional development of nuclear medicine professionals in India. It shall also keep itself appraised with the academic activities of other international bodies, and keep its members posted about recent advances through Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine.
    5. The College shall institute Traveling Fellowship, Visiting Lectureship, Awards and Medals for post-graduate students and young specialists on one hand and senior teachers on the other in an effort to augment the teaching and training programs. It shall also invite innovative and research studies from members of the SNM (India) for suitable award and certificates.
    6. The college shall confer “MEMBERSHIP” and “FELLOWSHIP” to the selected members of SNMI on the recommendation of the Credential Committee fulfilling the objective criteria.
    7. The college shall collect outstanding works of academic interest, prepare teaching aids and make them available to the members at nominal fees. The same may also be made available to non-member at a premium considered fit by the governing Council of the College.
    8. The college shall in collaboration with SNM (India) explore the possibility of bringing out multi-authored text book on the subject.
    9. The College shall explore the possibility of organizing training programmes for the technologists and liaise with the industrial establishments to provide a bi-directional training, both at the industry and hospital level.
  2. Rules and Regulation - Members / Fellows
    1. The eligibility criteria for membership and fellowship of the college are as follows
      1. Fellowship Eligibity:
        1. A. MBBS + MD/DNB/PhD in Nuclear Medicine with 10 years of experience in nuclear medicine and 10 years of continuous membership in the society (or)
        2. B. MBBS + DRM with 15 years of experience in Nuclear Medicine and 15 years of continuous membership in the society (or)
        3. C. MSc + PhD in Nuclear Medicine with 10 years of experience in Nuclear Medicine and 10 years of continuous membership in the society (or)
        4. D. MSc in Nuclear Medicine / MSc + DMRIT with 15 years of experience in Nuclear Medicine and 15 years of continuous membership in the society
      2. Membership Eligibility:
        1. MBBS + MD/DNB/PhD in Nuclear Medicine with 3 years of experience in nuclear medicine and 3 years of continuous membership in the society (or)
        2. MBBS + DRM with 5 years of experience in Nuclear Medicine and 5 years of continuous membership in the society (or)
        3. MSc in Nuclear Medicine / MSc + DMRIT with 5 years of experience in Nuclear Medicine and 5 years of continue membership in the society (or)
        4. BSc in Nuclear Medicine / BSc + DMRIT with 10 years of experience in Nuclear Medicine and 10 years of continue membership in the society
    2. The Membership/Fellowship is to be proposed and seconded by the fellows of the college who initially will be selected as given in Para 2a(1). The nomination forms shall be published in the second quarter issue of Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine every year and shall also be available with the Secretary of the College/SNMI website. The completed nomination from in duplicate along with complete bio-data should be sent to the secretary of the college.
    3. The secretary shall submit the nominations to the Credentials Committee (comprising five members) for their recommendations, which shall be subsequently approved by the Governing Council. The final authority of accepting Membership/Fellowship shall lie with the Governing Council of the College. A maximum of 6 members and 2 fellows per year will be elected for the college. Authorized membership of the college may be increased in future by SNM (India) in Consultation with the Governing council of the college.
    4. After being elected, a member / fellow shall have to pay an amount of Rs. 8000/ 15000 as one-time membership / fellowship fee respectively, at the time of admission.
    5. A defaulting member of SNM (India) will automatically cease to be a member/fellow of the College even if the member/fellow has paid the life membership or fellowship fee of the College.
    6. Type Of Membership - The College shall have the following types of member: a) Active members b) life members/fellows c) Fellows d) Emeritus members/Fellows e) Honorary Fellows.
      1. Active Member/Fellow – These are the members/fellows who fulfil the requirements as mentioned in section 2, clause 3.i and paid the life membership fee.
      2. Emeritus Members/Fellows – A member/fellow who has retired from active academic practice or has attained the age of 65 years or has not been participating to the ICNM General body for last three consecutive years, governing council of the college may change his category to emeritus members/fellow, and this vacancy can be filled by election of a new member /fellow. Such members/fellows shall not have the right of voting.
      3. Honorary Member/Fellow – The name of the Honorary Member/Fellow can be proposed & seconded by Fellows of the College for consideration of the Governing Council for final approval by the annual/special General Body of the College. Such honorary fellows/members shall not have voting rights.
      4. Founder Fellows/Member: Founder members / fellows are those which were elected at the time of ICNM formation, by an ad-hoc committee comprising five members.
    7. Termination of Membership/Fellowship: Governing Council of the can recommend the termination of membership/fellowship to the General Body for its approval with valid reasons.
    8. Credential Committee: The Dean and Secretary of the College and the President of SNM (India) of the year shall act as ex-officio members. The committee shall serve a term of two years along with the term of office bearers of ICNM. The Dean shall nominate two other fellows in this committee. The nomination applications for the membership/fellowship shall be evaluated by this committee and forwarded to the Dean / Secretary.
    9. Presentation of Membership/Fellowship – Elected Fellows/Members shall be presented with a certificate of their being elected in the College Convocation during Annual Conference of SNMI.
    10. The Members/Fellows shall be authorized to suffix “MICNM”/ “FICNM” in the list of their qualifications.
  3. College Year:
    1. The year of the college for financial purposes will be from 1st April to 31st March of the next year.
  4. Scientific Meetings
    1. The college, in collaboration with local/regional chapter of SNM India, shall organize a minimum number of 4 (four) teaching seminars/symposia/workshop/CMEs in one calendar year. Out of these, one will be held at the venue of the annual conference of SNM (India) which will precede the main scientific programme of the annual conference. This session may also include the convocation of the college. General body meeting of the college will also be held on the same evening.
    2. The venue of the teaching session other than the Annual Conference shall be decided by the Governing Council on the basis of requests received from the regional chapters / individual centres.
  5. Management Of The College
    1. The supreme and decisive body of the College shall be ‘General Body’ comprising of members, fellows (also emeritus) and founder fellows.
    2. The responsibility of day-to-day operations of college shall lie with the elected “Governing Council”. The Governing Council shall comprise of Dean, Vice Dean, Secretary, two Joint Secretaries and One Treasurer of the college. The President of SNM (I) and Editor-in-chief of IJNM will also be part of Governing Council. Dean and Secretary of the college will function as the Chairman and Secretary of the Governing Council.
    3. The Proceedings of the college shall be presented to the ICNM General Body for approval and finally to SNM (India) for its ratification.
    4. Election of Governing Council of ICNM will be conducted in conjecture with SNMI elections preferably on e-platform, by Returning Officer (Elected/nominated in GBM of SNMI). Returning Officer will follow the norms and protocol as laid down by SNMI / ICNM for eligibility of Governing Council members.
    5. The Returning officer shall invite nominations from active members and fellows for the posts of officer-bearers of the Governing Council of ICNM as per the election schedule. The Nomination must be proposed and seconded by active members / fellow. The nominee shall give his/her consent to contest election for governing council and a 200-word bio-data. Nominee bio-data is circulated amongst the electoral college. No other form of canvassing from nominee/candidate shall be permitted
    6. Returning officer shall intimate the final results to the GBM of ICNM.
    7. After elections, vacant posts if any shall be filled from members / fellows present in GBM.
  6. Governing Council/Officer Bearers
    1. The Governing council of the college shall have following eight officer bearers:
      1. One Dean
      2. One Vice-Dean
      3. One Secretary
      4. Two joint secretaries
      5. Editor-in-Chief of IJNM and
      6. President of SNM (India)
    2. Eligibility of Office-Beares:
      1. DEAN - shall have to be a life member of SNMI for 15 years and active Fellow of the College for three years.
      2. For the post of Dean, person must have served for at least one term in the Governing Council of the college.
      3. VICE-DEAN - shall have to be life member of SNMI for 15 years and active Fellow of the College for three years.
      4. SECRETARY – shall have to be life members of SNMI for 10 years and Fellow of the College for two years OR member of the college for five years
      5. JOINT SECRETARY – Shall have to be life members of SNMI for 5 years and Fellow/Member of the College for two years.
      6. TWO MEMBERS (Ex-Officio): The two members shall be the current President of SNM (India) and the Editor-in-Chief of IJNM.
    3. TERM OF THE OFFICE BEARERS: The elected office bearers of The Governing Council of college shall have a term of two calendar years. All the office bearers can seek re-election for one more term for the same or other post. After two terms, he / she can seek election for other two terms for the post of Dean. However, Dean cannot seek re-election after two terms, to be in the Governing Council.
    4. The Governing Council shall make regulations, issue instructions and regulate programme for the academic calendar, monitor its implementation and progress and rectify the defects with suitable amendments where required.
    5. The Governing Council shall appoint committees, sub-committees, consider applications of memberships, and recommend its decision to the General Body regarding amendments of Rules and regulations for final approval.
    6. The Governing council shall be responsible to the SNMI EC and General Body at all times.
    7. Duties of The Office Bearers
      1. Dean:
        • The Dean shall preside over all meetings concerning the affairs of the College.
        • Shall guide and control actives of the College as directed by the Governing Council.
        • Shall regulate the proceeding of the meeting and intervene to solve point of disputes.
        • Shall have option to exercise a casting vote in addition to his normal voting right in case of equality of votes.
        • Shall be member of EC of SNMI with voting right
        • Shall receive the honorarium of Rs 60,000/ per annum to attend various meetings
      2. Vice-Dean:
        • The Vice-Dean will take part in all affairs of the College
        • In the event of any emergency arising by reason of sudden absence of the Dean for a considerable period or resignation pending for acceptance by the Governing Council or till the time of election of a new Dean, the Vice-Dean shall act as Dean in all respects.
      3. Secretary:
        • The Secretary of the College shall be convener of the College Office
        • The Secretary shall be an Ex-office member and member secretary of all committees, Sub-committees and ad-hoc Committees concerning all matters of the College.
        • Shall be responsible for notification and arrangement of meetings, inviting applications for all academic awards, medals, travelling and visiting fellowship and so on.
        • Shall prepare Annual Report about the activities of the college and present it to the Governing council and General body of the College.
        • Shall keep minutes of al proceedings and meetings.
        • Shall help organizing teaching Seminars, Symposia, CMEs and workshop in different parts of the country with the help of regional chapter or life members of SNM (India)
        • Shall respond on all subject on behalf of the college
        • Shall maintain up-to-date membership registry in consultation with the Treasurer.
        • Shall bring all matters of importance to the notice of the Dean/Governing Council and General Body for information and consideration at all times.
        • Shall keep in touch with other international academic bodies. However, invitation to any foreign delegate should be initiated with the approval of governing council.
      4. Joint Secretaries:
        • The Joint Secretaries shall help the Secretary in all matters. One joint Secretary may be from the place of the Dean and the other form the SNM headquarters
        • Shall perform the duties of the Secretary in case of emergency or long absence or resignation of the Secretary pending acceptance by the Governing Council
      5. Two Ex-Officio Members:
        • Two members of the Governing Council, namely the President of SNM (India) and the Editor-in-Chief of the IJNM shall attend the meetings of the Governing Council and make active contribution
      6. Credentials Committee: It will comprise four fellows including Dean and Secretary (if fellow) and additionally President SNM, India. The Dean shall nominate two other fellows, (three in case secretary is not a fellow) in the committee. The nomination applications for the membership/fellowship shall be evaluated by this committee and forwarded to the Dean / Secretary.
  7. Meetings of ICNM
    1. Meeting Of Governing Council:
      The Governing Council shall meet at least once in a year. The notification of scheduled meeting should be circulated by secretary 21 days in advance. In special and extra-ordinary circumstances, The Governing Council meeting shall be called by the Secretary on instructions from the Dean with a notification of 21 days
    2. General Body Meeting
      The Secretary of the College shall notify to the members/fellows 3 weeks in advance of a General Body Meeting along with the proposed agenda. At least 20% of the valid members should be present; in case quorum is not sufficient the meeting shall be adjourned and convened by reassembling after 15 minutes. Ratification of the minutes of the proceeding of the GBM will be done on the same day by adjourning the GB for a period of 15 minutes and the meeting after that.
    3. Special General Body Meeting
      The Dean of the college on request from a minimum number amounting to one fourth of the active member/fellows, can ask for special General Body meeting through a notification initiated through the office of the college at least 21 days in advance of meeting.
  8. Financial year of the college:
    The year of the college for financial purposes will be from 1st April to 31st March of the next year.
  9. Funds of the colleges:
    1. The College shall derive funds from the following sources (a) Subscription from the members, Fellow (b) Donation from members, Industrial firms or Charitable Institutions (c) Any other form of donation meant for the academic activity of the College.
    2. The Society of Nuclear Medicine (India) will contribute Rs 500000/- to ICNM annually for its expenses/operations.