• Prof. Arun Malhotra Best Paper Award in Nuclear Cardiology, is given out of the interest generated from ‘Rs. Ten LAKH corpus’ donated from Sushrat Foundation by Mrs. Sushma Malhotra W/o Late Prof. Arun Malhotra.
  • Following are the guidelines for Prof. Arun Malhotra Best Paper Award under the auspices of Society of Nuclear Medicine, India
    • The award shall be called “Prof. Arun Malhotra Best Paper Award in Nuclear Cardiology”
    • This award is to be given for the best paper in the field of Nuclear Cardiology presented on stage in the Annual Conference of SNM(I).
    • The papers to be considered for award shall be the original work done in various aspects of Nuclear Cardiology; as listed below:
      • Clinical research work on cardiac diseases using radionuclide imaging.
      • Work in newer radiotracers/ techniques in imaging and management of different cardiac disorders.
      • Comparative studies between nuclear medicine and other specialities playing a role in the management of cardiac disease.
      • Basic and fundamental research using experimental animal studies or tissue culture studies on Genetics, Molecular Biology, etc. related to cardiac disorders incorporating Nuclear Medicine as one of the tools in the research.
    • Eligibility for consideration of the papers:
      • At least one of the authors should be life member of Society of Nuclear Medicine, India.
      • The presenting author (Presenter) need not be a member of the SNMI, but should be a pre-registered delegate of the Conference.
      • The paper should not have been presented or submitted to any other journal or Conference.
      • The full manuscript of the paper with figures, tables etc. should be submitted in the prescribed format for publication in Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine. The consent and copy rights of paper should be sent/transferred to the Editor in Chief IJNM for publication in forthcoming issue of IJNM.
      • Any financial support or grant from Government or non-governmental agency or industrial/trade organizations towards the study should be notified.
    • Screening of Papers contesting for the award:
      • The Scientific committee of the Conference shall identify an academic expert who is not associated with any of the papers and utilize his/her services to screen the abstract/material to decide their suitability for presentation in the award paper session.
      • The papers/abstracts should be sent to screening judge/expert keeping identity of authors and their affiliation as secret/confidential so as to keep process as impartial and neutral.
      • If there are no suitable candidates in any given year, then no award is made that year and interest will accumulate to increase the core amount
    • Norms for conducting Award Paper Session: A. The award session shall be held during the conference with a minimum duration of one hour. The duration may be increased (if more than 5 papers accepted/depending on the number of papers submitted for the same).
      • Presentation of each paper shall be for 8 minutes followed by 2 minutes for discussion.
    • Judges:
      • Any three office bearers of SNM(I) shall jointly decide and prepare a panel of three judges from those available in the conference in consultation with the organizing secretary.
      • One of the 3 office bearers shall act as coordinators for the judges and he/she shall assist them in smooth conduct of the session. An objective scoring scheme and chart may be prepared and provide to the judges. The criteria could be like clinical relevance of the paper, novelty/idea, way of presentation by the author, clarity, methodology, response to questions, slides-preparation format, etc.
      • At the end of the session, compilation and evaluation of result, signing of result sheet should be done jointly by the judges and handed over to co-ordinator. The winner of the award will be declared by President/Secretary HQ in Valedictory Function of SNMICON.
      • It is recommended that retired or senior faculty of leading teaching institutions/hospitals from all parts of country may be chosen as judges.
      • Any person who is directly or indirectly associated with any of the papers shall not be eligible to serve as judge for the award paper session.
    • Award:
      • The award shall comprise a prize money, certificate and memento.
      • The prize money will be amounting Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) for the first prize and 7,500 (Rupees Seven Thousand five hundred Only) for second best paper and shall be given in the form of cheque from SNM(I)
      • The citation will bear the names of the first three authors of the award winning paper and its title.
      • A prototype memento shall be prepared at the SNMI office bearing the logo of SNMI and the title of the award ‘Prof. Arun Malhotra Best Paper Award’ for Best Paper on Nuclear Cardiology, year and venue / town city o the Conference will be added every year and brought to the conference.
      • The award shall be declared and handed over to the winner in the Valedictory Function by the Chief Guest/outgoing President of SNM(I) and Secretary and representative of the Malhotra family.
    • This award is an official award of the society of Nuclear Medicine India award & is a lifetime award.
    • The award money is given from the interest generated from the corpus money ‘Rs. Ten LAKH’ donated from Sushrat Foundation by Mrs. Sushma Malhotra W/o Late Prof. Arun Malhotra and any further modification in the rules/ award money due to any change of interest amount from the bank or any other factor. The President, Secretary in coordination with the executive committee and the Malhotra family can amend/ revise it accordingly.