Dr. E. Prabhu
Prof. Venkatesh Rangarajan
President Elect
Dr. Santhosh Sampath
Secretary General
Dr. Swagat Dash
Joint Secretary
Dr. Kamaldeep
Dr. Ravinder Singh Sidhu
EC Member
Dr. Arun Sasikumar
EC Member
Dr Ameya D Puranik
EC Member
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
EC Member
Dr. Sneha Mithun
EC Member
Dr. Mudalsha Ravina
EC Member
Prof. B. R. Mittal
Dean, ICNM, SNM India
Prof. C. S. Bal
New Delhi
Editor in Chief , IJNM, SNM India
Dr Harkirat Singh
Past President
Dr. Ankit Watts
Past Secretary HQ
(SNMI Constitution - Section 2 : Rules of SNMI) Cont. [1]
  1. Executive Committee Of SNMI

    The Executive committee of SNMI shall consist of the following representatives: One person cannot hold more than one post in SNMI including ICNM governing council.

    Elected Ex-officio
    • President - One
    • President Elect - One
    • Secretary Headquarter - One
    • Secretary-II - One
    • Treasurer (HQ) - One
    • Members - Six
    • Dean of Indian College of Nuclear Medicine (voting)
    • The Editor-in-Chief, Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine (voting)
    • The Immediate Past President (non-voting)
    • The Immediate Past secretary (non-voting)
  2. General Body
    • The General Body shall consist of life members of SNMI.
    • General Body Meeting (GBM) should be held annually at the venue of annual conference.
    • Secretary (HQ) will communicate with life members about the date & venue of forthcoming GBM and invite proposals and agendas from life members.
    • The notice for convening GBM and inviting agenda/s must be circulated to life members of SNMI at least 4 weeks in advance.
    • The formal agenda should also be communicated at least 2 weeks prior to GBM, only through electronic mail.
    • The GBM (quorum of 50 members) shall be presided over by the President and coordinated by Secretary HQ. President, Secretary-HQ and Treasurer should be on dais.
    • The GBM should be reconvened after few minutes if sufficient quorum (at least 50 members) is not present.
    • The GBM shall commence with presentation of annual report of activities of SNMI by secretary-HQ. Each agenda should be deliberated and decision should be taken with consensus and majority opinion (vote in situation of divided house/opinion).
    • Audited Report of the past Financial Year shall be presented by Treasurer for approval of GBM.
    • Appointment of Auditor is a Mandatory Agenda Point at GBM.
    • The GBM can also be held in 'special circumstances' with 'advanced notice' at the venue/location where there is probability of attendance of large numbers of SNMI life members.
  3. Powers and Functions of the General Body
    • The General Body (GBM) shall be the supreme body of SNMI and exercise overall control over the affairs of the Executive Committee. All decisions/policies/fund allocation taken/passed by EC needs to be ratified by GBM. GBM can revert any decision/policy/strategy adopted by EC.
    • GBM shall be held at the venue of the annual conference on 2nd day of the conference. However, extra-ordinary GBM can be convened at suitable date and location under special circumstances with one-month advance notice to the members, to transact urgent matter, with minimum of 50 life members present.
    • Agendas to be discussed in GBM will be invited by the secretary HQ by advance notice of one month from all life members.
    • The final agenda of GBM will be circulated to all life members at least 2 weeks in advance.
    • GBM will be conducted under the chairmanship of President. Secretary HQ and Treasurer will share the dais with the President. In the absence of President, GBM shall be chaired by President Elect.
    • The GBM will confirm/ratify the minutes and the proceedings of the previous GBM as first agenda. After that, all agenda points will be presented in serial manner for deliberation for logical approval/disapproval. The agenda points must have the following:
      • Annual Report of activities of SNMI will be read by Secretary-HQ.
      • Treasurer will present 'Audited Statement of Accounts' of the financial year.
      • Reports of ICNM (by Dean), IJNM (by Editor-in-Chief) and regional chapters activity (by Chapter Presidents/Secretaries) have to be presented before GBM
      • To appoint or continuation auditors.
      • Declaration of the results of election of the Executive Committee by Election Officer.
      • To appoint/elect EC members for vacant position from members present in GBM by consensus.
      • To appoint/elect Election/Returning Officer amongst present life members in the GBM one year before the due elections of SNMI.
      • To discuss the bidding/proposals of venue and host of forthcoming annual conference
      • To take-up and transact any other business that may be brought forward with the permission of the Chair.
    • An agenda point in the GBM should be decided unanimously or by majority vote in form of 'show of hands' or 'majority voice'. In situation, where there is no obvious clarity or evidence of majority opinion, President shall hold a poll (voting) amongst the members present in GBM after due deliberation and declare result (vote) in favour and against the motion/agenda. In case of equality of votes (tie), the President shall be entitled to cast his or her decisive vote as he enjoys the voting right as member. The evidence of majority decision (proof) should be recorded in minute book with record of how many votes in favour or against the motion/agenda and final conclusive decision should become resolution/rule.
  4. Election Process and Returning/Election Officer (RO)
    1. The General Body shall nominate One 'Returning Officer' (RO) amongst the members present at Annual GBM. The process of electing and appointing of 'Returning Officer' must be completed in GBM preceding the 'election year'.
    2. Returning Officer shall be responsible for conducting election on electronic platform in fair and transparent manner, ensuring the secrecy of entire process in accordance with norms, protocols and rules of SNMI.
    3. The returning officer shall conduct himself/herself 'neutral' and 'impartial' manner throughout the electoral process.
    4. Returning Officer is not entitled to contest, propose and second any nomination throughout the electoral process under his/her supervision.
    5. Returning Officer should facilitate the members to cast their votes, ensuring secrecy of electoral process.
    6. Notification of Elections and inviting nominations for EC posts
      • Inviting nominations from life members in the prescribed format (with SNMI membership No. and date/year of enrolment) and fulfilling the laid-down eligibility criteria for each designation/post.
      • Nomination for all EC posts shall be proposed as well as seconded by Life member of SNMI
      • Candidature/ nomination for President Elect shall be proposed by two and seconded by another two life members respectively
    7. Scrutiny of nominations/forms and inform all the contestants about their eligibility to contest election for the post applied. Allow for withdrawal(s) nomination(s) in pre-defined window period
    8. Declaration of eligible candidates/nominees for various posts
    9. Commencement of voting (e-voting) for a pre-defined window period
    10. Compilation and declaration of results
    11. When the number of valid nominations received exactly match or is less than the posts in the EC, the persons so nominated shall be declared as 'elected unopposed'.
    12. In case the required number of nominations have not been received, the same, shall be communicated to the members of the Society and vacant seats will be filled from amongst members present in GBM.
    13. When the number of valid nominations exceeds the number of the seats in one or more posts, voting and election process as per the schedule
    14. In case of Tie-of votes for any post, winner shall be decided in GBM by show of hands or secret ballot.
    15. Returning Officer shall announce the schedule and protocol of election of SNMI (Proposed dates/guidelines for election schedule)
      • July 1- July 30: Online Verification of Life Members
      • August 30 - Notification of Elections and inviting nominations for various EC posts
      • September 30 - Last date of filling nominations
      • October 15 - Scrutiny of nomination forms
      • October 30- Last date of withdrawals of nominations
      • November 1 - November 15 - E-voting
      • Declaration of results within 48 hours of e-voting deadline
      • Submission of RO Report to Secretary HQ
    16. In case of technical glitch, e-voting shall be conducted again within one week.
    17. The RO shall invite nominations for the following posts of EC
      • President Elect: One
      • Secretary (HQ): One
      • Secretary -II: One
      • Treasurer: One (HQ based)
      • Members: Six
    18. The RO shall also invite Nominations for ICNM Governing Council as under:
      • Dean: One
      • Vice Dean: One
      • Secretary: One
      • Joint Secretaries: Two
      • Treasurer: One
    19. Nomination process/Eligibility of Nomination:

      Eligibility of Candidates/Nominees for various posts of Executive Committee is as follows:

      Eligibility for the post of President Elect:
      1. Should be life member of SNMI for at least 15 years
      2. Should have served and completed one-term (two years) as EC members before filing nomination for the post of President Elect.
      3. Two life members shall propose and another two life members shall independently second the candidature/nomination for President Elect/President (Candidates shall send 2 nomination forms with total of four (4) members proposing and seconding the candidature)
      4. Past-Presidents cannot seek re-election.
      Eligibility for Secretary Headquarter
      1. Candidate should have life membership for at least five years. (Ad hoc membership period will not be counted for eligibility).
      2. Candidate should be working / based in Mumbai anywhere in India.
        (1st Amendment: amended in 52nd AGBM Raipur, Chhattisgarh (Virtual); Date: 12 December 2020).
      Eligibility for Secretary-II and Members of EC
      1. Candidate(s) should be life member of SNMI for at least three years (Ad hoc membership period will not be counted for eligibility).
      2. Eligibility for treasurer post
      3. Candidate should be based in Mumbai (being HQ post) anywhere in India.
        (1st Amendment: amended in 52nd AGBM Raipur, Chhattisgarh (Virtual); Date: 12 December 2020)
  5. Tenure of the Elected Executive Committee of SNMI
    1. Tenure of Executive Committee of SNMI is two years.
    2. The newly elected President-Elect shall function as Vice-President for first two years term of EC. At the end of the second year i.e., at the end of GBM of the second year of EC, the `President-elect' shall take over as 'President' of newly elected and constituted EC. The outgoing President shall continue as an Ex-officio member with no voting rights and shall be designated as 'Immediate Past President'.
    3. The President shall not be entitled for seeking re-election as President/EC member.
    4. Secretaries & Treasurer shall hold office for the term of two years. They cannot seek re-election for the same post consecutively for more than two terms, but can contest for any other Office Bearer's post in EC. The outgoing HQ Secretary shall continue as Ex-officio Member with no voting rights.
    5. Tenure of EC members is two-years (term of EC). They can seek re-election as EC members for maximum of three terms continuously (6 years in total)
    6. Nominee shall provide signed 'consent' for seeking election for Executive Committee and should also give 'declaration of concurrence and acceptance' to authority of Returning officer.
    7. Life members currently involved/employed in industry/trade/sale/ manufacturing of nuclear medicine equipment/ products, radio-isotopes, RP Kits in both government and private sector or holding office of sales promotion/customer care relations/ marketing/profit and having conflict of interests; are not permitted to seek election of member/s or Office-Bearer of Executive Committee, even if they are life members.
    8. Life member/s seeking election of Member/Office Bearer of Executive Committee of SNMI, shall give declaration that he/she is not currently engaged/employed in the industry/trade for sale promotion/ marketing/ customer relations/ manufacturing of nuclear medicine equipment/ products, radio-isotopes, Kits and holding office of profit/sales promotions/marketing/customer care of nuclear medicine products/instruments, having conflict of interests both in government and private sectors.
  6. Executive Committee Meeting
    • President shall preside over the Executive Committee Meeting. In absence of President, President Elect shall preside over, exercise all rights and enjoy privileges of the President at that meeting.
    • Attendance of at least two-third of the members would be required to constitute a quorum.
    • The Secretary HQ will fix-up date and venue of EC meeting and shall invite agenda from EC members, life members and can put up any agenda of discussion deemed necessary. Decision of date and venue should be fixed with intention to facilitate maximum participation.
    • In the event, there are less than two-third members in attendance in the meeting or agenda needs an urgent discussion in the interim period, the EC members can deliberate and send their opinions on official electronic media and a 'majority opinion' shall prevail after such correspondence.
    • Preferably four, but not less than three, EC meetings should be held in one year
    • One of the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at the venue of the conference at least 4 months prior to the Annual Conference to assess its preparation and progress.
    • The last EC meeting shall be held at venue of Annual Conference, one-day prior to GBM to finalize the agenda of discussion.
    • Any elected member of the EC absenting himself/herself for three consecutive meetings, without genuine reasons, shall no longer be member of EC. Secretary HQ will officially communicate to the absentee about his removal from EC and shall not be eligible for re-election for immediate next tenure.
    • In the event a casual vacancy occurs in executive committee member vacancy will not be filled normally.
  7. Duties and Powers of Executive Committee
    • The Executive Committee will administer the affairs of SNMI in accordance with the Constitution of SNMI, and consistent with applicable national laws governing the Registration of SNMI as Society under Act 1961.
    • The Executive Committee shall exercise all such powers to take all decisions necessary for day-to-day functioning of SNMI
    • To approve the applications for membership (various categories) and resignations.
    • To take all steps necessary for the administration of the various bodies of SNMI and to employ, dismiss the staff, as also to appoint or remove agents, lawyers, pleaders, attorneys, architects, valuers for any of the purposes of the SNMI.
    • To regulate and sanction any expenditure necessary or desirable in furthering the objectives of the SNMI. However, such expenditure or sanction of funds, should be ratified and approved by GBM.
    • To accept donations, subscriptions, endowments for any specific purpose consistent with the objectives of the SNMI.
    • To accept donations, endowments, gifts, with a view to perpetuate the name of any person in whose memory the Donor may like to contribute, the objective of which is in line with the objectives of the SNMI. viii. To prepare every year the SNMI estimate of expenditure and receipts for the following year, and the duly audited annual statements of accounts.
    • Bank account of the Society shall be operated by the Treasurer, jointly with the Secretary HQ or the President.
    • To appoint sub-committees, if necessary, out of the members of the Society for any specific purpose and to fix the scope of the activities of these sub-committees.
    • To take such other measures as may be necessary for the proper up-keep and safety of the property of the SNMI.
    • To keep the minutes/records of the proceedings of all Meetings.
    • At any of the meetings, an agenda point should be decided unanimously or by majority vote. In case of equality of votes (tie), the President shall be entitled to cast his or her decisive vote.
  8. The Secretary - HQ
    • To convene all Executive Committee meetings.
    • To record the minutes of every meeting
    • To conduct all official correspondence.
    • To convene annual GBM, special or extra-ordinary GBM of the SNMI giving due prior notice of time, venue and agenda thereof and to record the minutes of every such meeting.
    • To receive application for membership and table them before the EC for consideration and approval.
    • To maintain the register of members of SNMI.
    • To be second signatory (in addition to treasurer's signature) for issuing cheques and maintaining SNMI's bank account.
    • In the event of prolonged absence of the Secretary HQ, the President may authorize Secretary II/any other member of the EC to convene the meetings and record the minutes during such an absence. An intimation of such a change will be conveyed to all members.
  9. The Treasurer
    • To maintain proper account of all receipts and payments, and to prepare the statement of account of the financial year.
    • To present duly audited statement of accounts/Auditor's Report before the GBM.
    • To issue cheque/payments of approved expenditures/expenses towards publication of IJNM, funding of academic activity of regional chapters, salary of employees, auditor/lawyer/agencies fees, travel fellowships, awards, TA & DA to members attending EC meetings.
    • iIn the event of prolonged absence of the Treasurer, the President may authorize Secretary HQ/any other member of the EC to act as Treasurer during such an absence. An intimation of such a change will be conveyed to all members.