(SNMI Constitution - Section 4: Annual Conference Of SNMI) [1]
  1. Introduction
    1. Annual Conference is the national academic program of Society of Nuclear Medicine India (SNMI).
    2. Annual Conference of shall be organized in the month of November/December every year or as per the decision of General Body Meeting (GBM). The Annual Conference of SNMI shall be titled in the standard format e.g., '50th Annual Conference of Society of Nuclear Medicine, India (SNMICON - 2018)', and this nomenclature should not be changed.
  2. Conference Bidding
    1. A formal letter of intent (proposal) to organise SNMICON should reach SNMI-HQ by 31st August from prospective organizer/ bidder (organising secretary/Chairman) with letter of support from responsible person/Authority of the institute/centre.
    2. The venue/city of the Conference shall be decided in the General Body Meeting (GBM) at least two years in-advance.
    3. The bidding organizer may have to make presentation in GBM about venue, budget, fund raising abilities, infra-structure & background of host organisation. If there are more bidders for the prospective conference, the following criteria should be considered for taking final decision:
      1. The bidder should be based in the same city, where the conference is proposed to be held
      2. Preference will be given to a bidder based in a city, where the conference has not been held earlier.
      3. Organizing secretary/chairman should be the life member of SNMI for at-least 8 years.
      4. In case no one bids for the conference, SNMI EC shall take the responsibility of organising that meeting.
      5. In case the annual conference is to be held co-jointly with some international organisation, the SNMI EC will be the core deciding body and the bidding President SNMI will be the chairman and president of SNMI in the year of conference will be the co-chairman of the conference.
      6. Final decision on bidding proposal of holding SNMI Annual conference should be taken by GBM on voice vote/majority opinion.
    4. Decision of the GBM will be communicated to Organizer by Secretary HQ within 30 days of conclusion of GBM along with a copy of guidelines and protocols of conducting Annual Conference of SNMI.
    5. Official Documents like MOU of SNMI, PAN card, GST No, Income tax certificate and other related document will be provided by secretary HQ only after the appointments of at least 3 key members of local organizing committee (Chairman, Secretary and treasurer) duly approved by SNMI EC.
    6. The Chairman or Secretary and Treasurer of organising committee should essentially be the SNMI life members.
    7. The bank account of Annual Conference (SNMICON-I and SNMICON-II) shall be rotated to the subsequent conference organizers alternatively.
    8. Organizing Secretary/Chairman and Treasurer will jointly operate the conference bank account (2 signatories).
    9. All the cheques/transfer of funds shall be in the name of Conference account and all payments/expenses will be made from the same account including tax liabilities.
    10. The scientific program will be prepared in consultation with the central scientific committee.
  3. Inspection of Conference venue
    1. One of the SNMI EC meeting will be held at conference venue at least four months prior the conference, to access the preparations and to guide the local organizers.
    2. If SNMI EC finds inadequacy of preparation or unsatisfactory progress, the EC shall take decision to make alternate arrangement.
    3. If an organiser is unable to host conference for reasons, other than natural calamity, civil unrest, militancy concerns, or similar, shall be debarred to host the Conference/official event for next ten years.
  4. The structure of Local and Central committee
    1. Local Organizing committee shall include:
      1. Chairman (one) - preferably Life member of SNMI
      2. Organizing Secretary (one) - Essentially to be the Life member of SNMI for last 8 years
      3. Treasurer (one) - Essentially Life member of SNMI
      4. Members of Organising Committee - purely discretion of host institution (like colleagues of host institution/other experts of nuclear medicine in the city)
      5. Maximum of 2 Patrons may also be included
    2. Scientific committee (SC)
      1. President of SNMI (as Chairman)
      2. President elect
      3. Secretary HQ
      4. Editor in chief of IJNM
      5. Dean, ICNM
      6. Organizing Chairman/Secretary
      7. 3 members from host institution/local city as per the discretion of org. secretary/chairman
      8. Design and execution of scientific and academic program of SNMICON will be under the ambit of scientific committee.
      9. Selection of themes/topic/invited experts/faculty, abstract selection and presentation, floor management of SNMICON shall be done in close coordination with the scientific committee.
      10. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by scientific committee, and/or sub-committee appointed by scientific committee.
      11. Result of the review of abstract, for either acceptance or rejection, shall be communicated to the author/presenter at least two months before the commencement of Annual conference.
      12. All accepted abstracts shall be essentially published in the supplementary/abstract issue of IJNM, and NOT in the conference proceedings/souvenir.
      13. No changes of scientific programme shall be allowed after this date, even at the request of speaker, except for extra-ordinary, well-justified reasons, and found acceptable by the scientific committee.
      14. There should be provision for '1-hour slot' for each of SNMI orations. No oration should be scheduled on the last day of the conference.
      15. There shall be no parallel session in other hall/s while the SNMI orations are being delivered in main hall.
  5. Conference Guidelines
    1. Conference shall be held conventionally in the month of November/December every year and schedule can be changed only with the approval of Executive committee, SNMI in rare circumstances.
    2. The final venue and the dates should be communicated to SNMI EC for approval.
    3. All efforts shall be made by the Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee to minimize the expenses of the Conference.
    4. SNMI will 'not be responsible' for any losses whatsoever incurred by the organizer, while organizing the Annual Conference.
    5. Company/Industry Sponsored Foreign/National faculty shall be deemed as 'Corporate Participant', and their presentation may be accordingly positioned in the Conf. Programme.
    6. Local organizer may allow trade companies to host any of the dinners exclusively by the company during the conference.
    7. President, Secretary HQ and Treasurer, SNMI will be provided complementary registration and local hospitality (Accommodation, Airport drop & pickup) to facilitate the conference proceeding and annual GBM, by the local organizer.
    8. Local organiser shall provide complementary registration and local hospitality (Accommodation, Airport drop & pickup) to the three honourable SNMI oration awardees.
    9. No financial assistance will be provided by the SNMI to support the travel and/or accommodation of invited faculty including foreign faculty. However, local organizer may extend such facilities depending upon their financial position.
    10. The registration and local hospitality of two IASNM faculty invited by ICNM will be supported by SNMI, and additional two by the local organizer, making a total of four invitees.
    11. Funds generated and collected for hosting Annual Conference by organiser, entirely belong to SNMI. Collected funds in the name of conference (SNMICON - year) should only be used and spent for purpose of organising the conference under the constitutional framework of SNMI.
    12. Any expenditure from conference account, other than for the purpose of organising the conference (like donations made/gifts distributed/purchase of items not related to organisation of the conference) shall be regarded as 'other than conference expenses' and shall be recovered from the organizer.
    13. Conference organizer will be provided an amount of Rs 5 Lakh as 'seed money' on returnable basis. Seed money need to be refunded by the organizer to the SNMI account in the same financial year.
    14. All unspent amount in 'SNMICON account' has to be transferred to SNMI HQ account.
  6. SNMICON Inauguration
    1. The inaugural function of SNMICON should be planed, depending upon the loco-regional logistics. President and President Elect of SNMI should be on the dais along with the Chief Guest and other dignitaries.
    2. The Organisers shall provide not-less than 15 min duration to the President, SNMI to make the Presidential Address at the Inaugural Function of SNMICON. The Presidential address should follow immediately after the welcome address by conference chairman.
  7. SNMI Stall
    1. Organizer shall provide one complementary stall to SNMI-HQ in exhibition to advertise SNM India activity and membership registration.
    2. Organizer should also provide one complementary stall each to EANM, SNMMI and any other international organization as a part of MOU with SNMI.
  8. SNMI Meeting room
    1. Organizer shall provide one meeting room at the conference venue for conducting various official meetings of SNMI/ICNM.
    2. Organiser should provide auditorium/hall for conducting GBM in the evening of the 2nd day of conference (from 16.00 to 20.00 hrs). All academic sessions should close/end before GBM.
  9. Relation with national and international professional bodies
    1. Organizing International conference along with annual conference:
      1. In case SNMI has been allocated an international Conference, then in that particular year the Annual Conference of SNMI will be merged with the International Conference and dates of the Conference will be those as mutually agreed by SNMI and that International Society.
      2. The President, President Elect and Secretary HQ of SNMI are authorized by SNMI to bid for hosting an International Conference in India after prior approval of the bid by the Executive committee followed by the GBM.
      3. The bid for the Conference is to be submitted only after it is signed by SNMI officials (President, President Elect & Secretary HQ)
    2. Any Nuclear Medicine Association, Society or Scientific Organization either in India or abroad may have MOU with SNMI for academic partnership on terms and conditions to be mutually decided upon and; approved by the GBM of SNMI. The representatives from these bodies shall be provided facilities as mutually agreed upon.
    3. Similarly, SNMI may seek affiliation with other international institutions/organisation subject to approval of General Body of SNMI.
    4. In the event of an invitation from the Nuclear Medicine Association/ Society/Scientific organization in India or abroad during their Annual Conference, a maximum of three-member delegation amongst the President/Immediate Past President/ President Elect/Secretary HQ/Editor-in-chief, IJNM/Dean ICNM may be encouraged to participate in order to honour the invitation.
    5. In the event of SNMI/ICNM extending invitation to the corresponding Office Bearers of the Nuclear Medicine Association/Society/ Scientific organization in India or abroad during the Annual Conference, only a facility of free registration can be extended to visiting delegates after prior approval of the Executive committee of SNMI.
    6. There shall be an International Relations Committee with the following members.
      1. President, SNMI
      2. President Elect, SNMI
      3. Secretary HQ, SNMI
      4. Dean, ICNM
      5. Editor in Chief, IJNM
      6. More members can be co-opted by the President for different International/National Associations/Societies.
      7. There shall be no financial commitments from SNMI.
      8. All correspondence to the various international societies shall be made by the SNMI - HQ only and not any other person in individual capacity.
      9. No personal email or correspondence should be sent by any member of SNMI on behalf of SNMI.
      10. No member is allowed to represent SNMI in any international conference/meeting without the prior approval of EC.